Das Ensemble von Friendly Fire 10 (Photo: Andreas Krupa / eosAndy)
Das Ensemble von Friendly Fire 10 (Photo: Andreas Krupa / eosAndy)

Zum Jubiläum wackelt der Rekord: Der Spenden-Livestream Friendly Fire 10 hat am Wochenende first was the 2-Mio.-€-Marke knackt.

Update from December 12, 2024: Besides the common associations, foundations and institutions, there is a lot of joy in the large expenditure-Bereitschaft der Friendly Fire-Community riesengroß.

Bei einem vaussichtlichen Gesamt-Erlös von 2 Mio. € (including sponsorship, merchandise, expenses) includes a control over 250,000 € for your eight deferred purchases.

You will see the Empfängern in those years NCL FoundationSince 2002, there has been a selection of children’s dementia for Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuszinosis (NCL)-widmet. NCL-Vorstand Dr. Frank Stehr: “We are passionate about what we can say about the Friendly Fire. The riesige Unterstützung said, who fell as Gesellschaft gemeinsam moving können. A lifetime of gratitude for all who have spent so happily!”

Notification from December 9, 2024: At 1,221,000 € you can attend the show (9.12. / 11 a.m.) Spend money on the Betterplace platform – But still no live streams on the night of Samstag on Sonntag spoilerte Projektleiterin Lena Laaser: With a better Wahrscheinlichkeit wird die zehnte Ausgabe von Friendly Fire more than 2 million. € einspelen – the final Summe steht traditionalell first Mitte des Folgejahres fest.

Expenditure on fan item sales (€720,000) and around €100,000 from sponsors with Microsoft Xbox, Caggtus Leipzig, Dr. Oetker, KittyCatCakes and Ubisoft, that’s it Assassin’s Creed Shadows the motto for anniversary events and merchandise products is great.

The high demand experience dates from the year 2021, as 1,984 million. € sisterammenkamen. The Botschaft rührte das wesende Stamm-Ensemble zu Tränen: Since 2015 we have been prepared for a number of millions of sums for the good music to be acquired. I am working on the format with dem in June German Fundraising Prize ausgezeichnet.

Whoever is in the Vorjahrene, Friendly Fire 9 has spent the Mark of 1 million. € knackt (Stand: 4.12.023)
Whoever is in the Vorjahrene, Friendly Fire 9 has spent the Mark of 1 million. € knackt (Stand: 4.12.023)

During those years, Erlös comes together with organizations and the Friendly Fire Nothilfefond, which joins in with notlagen (and other Erdbeben or Überschwemmungen). Make sure that the Associations and Institutions are active during those years:

Friendly Fire 10 works in the first years in the Räumen of the R42 in Leipzig. The party included Team PietSmiet (Sebastian Lenßen, Peter Smits, Jonathan ‘Jay’ Apelt, Dennis Brammen – Christian Stachelhaus must abstain from illness), Pascal Rothkegel (MrMoreGame), Florian Heider (Der Heider), Tatjana Werth (Pandorya), Artur Niemczuk (fisHC0p), Erik Range (Gronkh) and Max Ensikat (Phunkroyal).

Zum Friendly-Fire-Team went outside for a hint from Kulissen, and Artwork-Schöpfer Kerim Rorschach, Photographer Andreas Krupa (eosAndy), Make-Up-Artist Nancy Wenz, Pastell- and Tattoo-Künstler Sven Kinader (dessen Kunstwerk allein een auction fees of €2,600), the production teams of NerdStar TV and Laser Studios, Calaidosphere (costs/requirements) and Yvolve’s merchandise expert.

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